Open Day – Emphasis 23 febbraio 2023
Open Day
Project C_A.2.2_0022 EMPHASIS – Euro-Mediterranean Network Facilitating Market Uptake of Innovations from SME – Open Day in Sicily
February 23rd from 3:20pm to 5.00 pm / meeting online
The EMPHASIS Open Day is an essential project event that include a series of presentations on project themes from various sectors and project end beneficiaries. This event aims to strengthen the relationship between various stakeholders and the project, as well as to build a strong network for exchanging ideas that will foster and enrich the project’s outcomes and goals.
Location: Catania (IT)
STP office – Z.I. Blocco Palma I – Stradale. Vincenzo Lancia n. 57
3:20 – 3:40pm Sebastiano Di Stefano – STPS Project Manager and Financial Manager The Emphasis project activities and Sicily Innovation Strategy/ Le attività del progetto Emphasis e la Strategia per l’Innovazione Sicilia
3:40 – 4:00pm Rosario Faraci – Professor of Economics and Business Management – University of of Catania New World Management and for the start-up & innovative SMEs/ New World Management per le start-up e le PMI innovative
4:00 – 4:20pm Francesco Cappello – Open Innovation Advisor, STPS, EEN Twinning Activities supporting SMEs International Cooperation/ Attività di gemellaggio a sostegno della cooperazione internazionale delle PMI
4:20 – 4:40pm 4:40 – 5.00 Vito Puleo – ICT expert Elmi Software The Emphasis Platform for international co-operation and open innovation challenges/ La piattaforma Emphasis per la cooperazione internazionale e le sfide dell’innovazione aperta (http://emphasis-project.eu/Howitworks.php) Discussion/Questions and Answers Conclusion
Link for remote connection: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82697330275?pwd=V2FGQTRjdnNoWk80bzQzSUpzcTNCUT09
Scarica l’agenda in pdf dell’evento di giorno 23 febbraio 2023